

It is Our Great Pleasure to welcome you to The Center of Excellence for advanced materials Research ( CEAMR). The Center is located at the main building of Faculty of Science –King Abdul Aziz University. This center is established based on a past successful materials research already present at KAU. The aim of the center is to assemble the efforts, integrate People and promote interdisciplinary research. The role of materials in the advancement of science and technology that have changed societies around the globe cannot be Ignored. The importance of materials research to economic development has been recognized by its designation in the past as key technology advancement. Materials research has generated countless advances in areas such as electronics, information technologies, automotive and aerospace transportation, biomaterials, medicine, energy storage and nano-technology. Materials is a field that is both vast in scope and extreme in depth, and this sustains an extremely fertile arena for university research, education, economic development and entrepreneurial impact that spans the sciences, engineering, and is rapidly moving into medicine and agriculture. It was essential for KAU and hence the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia to be internationally prominent in this extremely important field. The strategic plan published by the ministry of Planning and economic jointly with KACST which showed the government view for the next 20 years in terms of research and developments, is aiming to raise the amount of fund for R&D to reach 1.6% of the GDP by the year 2021. Advanced materials was one of the Eleven Important Technological areas defined by KACST for localization and development of strategic technologies essential for the kingdome future development.


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7/1/2010 5:07:38 PM