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The Center acknowledge the important of collaboration with local scientists from all over the Kingdome and also due to the Old establishment of Faculty of Science at King Abdul Aziz University Many nationals in the field of chemistry, Physics , Materials had been gradated from this college and they still have a very good links with their friends and teacher in the college , this ties are strengthen by establishing CEAMR which become a facilitator for such collaborations. Many of CEAMR Researchers and People affiliated have supervised Msc and PHD theses for student from all over the Kingdome and this Open a new paths for collaboration since these students become researchers in thier universties.
Many collaborations have been established and the table below high light some of this collaboration.
1- Dr. Saleh Ahmed
Taiba University -Chemistry Department
Photo Responsive Materials
2- Dr. Abdullah G. Alsohiemi
Chemistry Department -King Khalid University- Abha
Organic Materials
Dr.Ahmed Umar
Physics Department -Najran Universty
4-Prof. Mohamed Al-Amodi
Taif University -Faculty of Science - Chemistry
5- Dr. Gasem M. Fallatah
Advanced Company -PolyPropylene
Composites Materials
Last Update
4/4/2018 1:51:15 PM